Arena Academy partners with DigiCampus

Your child’s X-tra Classes just got more affordable and enjoyable

Great news for parents and guardians: you no longer need to worry about paying exorbitant fees if your child needs extra tuition to help them succeed at school. That’s because Arena Academy has partnered with DigiCampus to offer affordable X-tra Classes.

Endorsed by the department of basic education, DigiCampus is an online learning support platform, which covers all the major subjects in the CAPS curriculum from grade R to grade 12. Designed to make learning fun and easy, it can be accessed anywhere, any time and from any device.

Sign your child up for a DigiCampus X-tra Classes subscription, priced at R50 a month, and they’ll get access to an array of interactive online resources, which are designed to guide them along a structured path as they master a particular topic.

These online learning resources include:

  • Engaging video lessons hosted by qualified and experienced educators.
  •  Lesson overviews highlighting the main points covered in the videos.
  •  Class notes providing a comprehensive summary of the content covered in the videos.
  •  Activities and memos, which are a typically classwork or homework exercise that learners can do in their own time, helping to reinforce what they’ve learnt.
  •  A self-making quiz. This multichoice questionnaire gives learners immediate results on completion, so they can access what they know and whether there’s anything they may need to recap.

Do the maths: a DigiCampus X-tra Classes subscription is like giving your child access to a specialist tutor who’s available 24/7, but at a fraction of the price.